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From Smog to Serenity: How HVAC Air Scrubbers Greatly Improve Your Indoor Space

Book JW Heating and Air to install an HVAC Air Scrubber in your home in Los Angeles, California, and create an indoor space that is cleaner, purer, and safer to inhale for you and your family. Our expert and friendly technicians are proud to provide your family peace of mind, knowing that your entire household can breathe easily with every inhalation.

Indoor air pollution is rarely given as much thought as outdoor pollution. However, we spend 90% of our lives inside, and the air inside your home can be up to five times more polluted than that outside. Homeowners are beginning to understand the precautions we need to take to keep our families healthy and safe.

The Air Scrubber is a fantastic strategy for purifying indoor air. So, with that in mind, let us explore the Air Scrubber. Learn what it does, how it works, and why it is necessary to protect your household from allergens and harmful contaminants.

Why Does Indoor Air Quality Matter?


The air inside your home will be more polluted than the air outside of it. This is harmful to everyone, though people who suffer from allergies and respiratory conditions, young children, and the elderly are most vulnerable.

Poor indoor air quality can lead to unwanted symptoms and the worsening of existing conditions:

  • Triggering or worsening of asthma and other respiratory conditions
  • Fatigue
  • Difficulty falling asleep (insomnia)
  • Headaches and migraines
  • Congestion
  • Irritation of your eyes, nose, and/or throat
  • Shortness of breath or difficulty breathing

With these symptoms in mind, it is clear that we should take the steps needed to purify the air our household inhales. The Air Scrubber is the answer, reducing contaminants on both surfaces and those circulating in the air.

What Is An Air Scrubber?

The Air Scrubber is a type of air purifier with a twist. Using proprietary technology, it blasts harmful particles in the air as well as bacteria and particulate matter on surfaces. The Air Scrubber is set up directly into your existing ductwork, making it highly favorable due to its ease and speed of installation.

What Does The Air Scrubber Do?

The Air Scrubber destroys up to 99% of all surface and airborne contaminants, making inhaling your home’s air safe and clean. From dust to pet dander to odors, this innovative device targets and kills harmful particulate matter and protects your HVAC system from a build-up of dust.

Air Scrubber vs Air Purifier

Both Air Scrubbers and air purifiers share the same goal: to improve indoor air quality and make it healthier to inhale. The main difference between the two is that the Air Scrubber purifies contaminants that are not only airborne but also on surfaces.

People bring home bacteria and viruses all the time without meaning to. They latch to your clothes, hands, and shoes. Once you have entered your home, these contaminants disperse onto your possessions, door handles, countertops, and floors.

While an air purifier is a good investment for purifying the air, an Air Scrubber serves a dual function, making it a better choice for families who wish to create the safest sanctuary to call home.

Reasons To Install an Air Scrubber

While we spend a small fortune on home security devices, we often forget that indoor air pollution is also something we need to safeguard our families against. But why install an Air Scrubber in particular? Here are some core benefits of using an Air Scrubber:

1. A Reduction in Contaminants

Using ActivePure technology, the Air Scrubber destroys up to 99% of all surface contaminants. It also purifies the air your household inhales, reducing a staggering 90% of all airborne contaminants.

In addition, Air Scrubbers have been proven to reduce the likelihood of developing various viruses, including norovirus, swine flu (H1N1), MRSA, and E-Coli. The Air Scrubber is a worthy opponent of illnesses that cause the spread of bacteria and viruses.

2. Mitigation of COVID-19

A study took place in 2020 which monitored the impact ActivePure technology had on COVID-19 on surfaces.

On September 30th, 2020, the manufacturer of the Air Scrubber released the lab results from the FDA-compliant, independent, and third-party analysis. The data proved that the Aerus Hydroxyl Blaster – which used ActivePure technology – killed COVID-19 on surfaces.

The same technology in the Aerus Hydroxyl Blaster is also used in the Air Scrubber. This means that the Air Scrubber will, too, kill COVID-19 lingering or trapped on surfaces.

1. Put A Stop To Unpleasant Odors

Lingering odors are frustrating for homeowners. Whether you are trying to mask the smell of an accident caused by a furry friend or your windows have been opened for hours after burning dinner, the scent never seems to leave entirely.

Luckily, the Air Scrubber is here to save the day! This device significantly reduces the strength of unwanted and unpleasant odors, making your home’s signature scent a lot more pleasant.

2. Reduce Allergies and Unwanted Side Effects

An Air Scrubber can benefit everyone, though it is particularly life-changing for those who suffer from allergies. Contaminants can trigger reactions and health conditions that are both short-term and long-term.

Dust, pollen, pet dander, mold, and other allergens can lead to a wide range of physical reactions. These include itchy and watery eyes, sneezing, exhaustion, and, despite feeling fatigued, finding it very difficult to get to sleep.

With the Air Scrubber, reducing contaminants in the air means fewer reactions and, thus, less to no suffering for those with allergies.

1. Extend Your HVAC’s Life

An HVAC is not cheap, so every homeowner wants to get as much value out of their system as possible. With the Air Scrubber, you can give your HVAC a boost and extend its shelf life.

An Air Scrubber allows your HVAC to run at peak efficiency due to the lack of dirt, dust and other debris becoming trapped in the filter. Without an Air Scrubber, the contaminants can cause damage to the coils and the blower: both components that keep your HVAC running.

Not only will your HVAC system last longer with an Air Scrubber, but you will likely need fewer repairs. On top of this, your HVAC will not need to work harder than necessary, meaning it will consume less energy. This will then be translated into a reduction in your energy bills.

Air Scrubbers: Frequently Asked Questions

If you are considering safeguarding your family from harmful contaminants on surfaces and in the air, you likely have questions. Here are the answers to the most commonly asked questions about Air Scrubbers.

Are Air Scrubbers Noisy?

No one wants a loud whirring device on full blast as they try to get some well-deserved rest! Fortunately, though, the vast majority of air scrubbers have been designed to operate quietly. Specifically, most models run at 20 dB, which is equal to a soft whisper. So, there is no need to worry about noise with an Air Scrubber.

Do Air Scrubbers Work On Mold?

So long as your Air Scrubber contains a high-efficiency air filter and sufficient airflow, it will be able to remove mold spores. This is especially good news for damp climates or areas where storms are common.

Do Air Scrubbers Actually Work?


Air Scrubbers absolutely work. While nothing can remove 100% of pollutants from the air and surfaces, the Air Scrubber comes extremely close! Eliminating up to 90% of airborne microorganisms and 99% of those found on surfaces, your home will be considerably safer with an Air Scrubber than without one.

Do Air Scrubbers Need To Be Cleaned?

As with all devices, it is important to routinely examine and care for your Air Scrubber. To ensure it is working in peak condition, you will need to schedule routine maintenance and change your filters every six to twelve months.

How Long Does It Take For An Air Scrubber To Clean A Room?

The speed at which the Air Scrubber completes the task of purifying a room will depend on a number of factors, including the size of the room, the make and model of your Air Scrubber as well as the level of pollution present. Most industry guidelines state that a room is “scrubbed” within 24 to 48 hours.

Should My Air Scrubber Run All The Time?

For the best results, running your Air Scrubber continuously is advisable. Not only does it take time for a room to be sufficiently purified, but new contaminants enter the home constantly. By running the Air Scrubber continuously, it can capture new allergens as they appear, killing them before they have a chance to become inhaled.

Why Now Is The Right Time to Own An Air Scrubber

Installing an Air Scrubber today will improve your HVAC maintenance strategy. The Air Scrubber begins to work as soon as it is installed, allowing results to show immediately. This means that it is the only air your household can inhale, and it also prepares your HVAC system for use.